Review some of the most effective non-medication treatments for ADHD including cognitive behavioral therapy, workplace and school accommodations, exercise and mindfulness meditation training. In addition, gain an overview of ADHD and diet concerns such as omega and dietary supplements, dyes and food additives.

Stephanie Sarkis, PhD, is an adjunct assistant professor at Florida Atlantic University (FAU), and is a sub-investigator at Clinical Research Studies at the FAU Schmidt College of Medicine. Dr. Sarkis maintains private counseling practices in Boca Raton and Tampa, Florida. She lectures and presents her research internationally and has been published in several journals and magazines.

Dr. Sarkis is the founder of the Moulton-Farnsworth Scholarship for college students with ADHD. She has written five books, most recently Natural Relief for Adult ADHD: Complementary Strategies for Increasing Focus, Attention, and Motivation With or Without Medication


Psih. Mădălina Simion

Psiholog clinician; neuropsiholog

S-a specializat in evaluarea complexa psihologica si neuropsihologica a copiilor, adolescentilor si adultilor cu afectiuni medicale (ADHD, anxietate, intarzieri in dezvoltare, tulburari genetice, tumori cerebrale, epilepsie, hidrocefalie, traumatisme cranio-cerebrale, etc) in vederea psihodiagnosticului.

A urmat o formare de 450 de ore teoretice si 500 de ore de practica in neuropsihologie clinica (Máster en Neuropsicología Clínica, Instituto Superior de Estudios Psicológicos (ISEP), acreditat de Consiliul General de Psihologie din Spania pentru specializarea in neuropsihologie clinica, program ce indeplineste ghidurile internationale de instruire ale Conferintei din Huston pentru acreditarea de psiholog expert in neuropsihologie clinica in Spania.

Interese profesionale: mapare corticala intraoperatorie, fMRI, functionare executiva

Website pentru promovarea neuropsihologiei