Get practical advice about how to combat some of the negative effects ADHD has on your child.

Author Jerome Schultz discusses the importance of kids knowing more about how ADHD affects them and how you can help your child to better self-advocate.

Hear how you can:
• Educate your kids about ADHD and help them understand how it impacts them
• Help kids learn to navigate their world
• Teach your kids to repair and rebuild broken relationships
• Work as a team – Teacher, Therapist, Parent and Child

This instructive webcast will focus on helping children understand that ADHD may help to explain their behavior and emotions, but can never be used as an excuse.


Jerome Schultz, PhD, is a clinical neuropsychologist and on the faculty of Harvard Medical School in the Department of Psychiatry. He specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of children and young adults with LD, ADHD, and other special needs. Formerly a middle school special education teacher, Dr. Schultz maintains a private neuropsychology practice in Lexington, Mass. He is the author of Nowhere to Hide: Why Kids with ADHD and LD Hate School and What We Can Do About It.


Psih. Mădălina Simion

Psiholog clinician; neuropsiholog

S-a specializat in evaluarea complexa psihologica si neuropsihologica a copiilor, adolescentilor si adultilor cu afectiuni medicale (ADHD, anxietate, intarzieri in dezvoltare, tulburari genetice, tumori cerebrale, epilepsie, hidrocefalie, traumatisme cranio-cerebrale, etc) in vederea psihodiagnosticului.

A urmat o formare de 450 de ore teoretice si 500 de ore de practica in neuropsihologie clinica (Máster en Neuropsicología Clínica, Instituto Superior de Estudios Psicológicos (ISEP), acreditat de Consiliul General de Psihologie din Spania pentru specializarea in neuropsihologie clinica, program ce indeplineste ghidurile internationale de instruire ale Conferintei din Huston pentru acreditarea de psiholog expert in neuropsihologie clinica in Spania.

Interese profesionale: mapare corticala intraoperatorie, fMRI, functionare executiva

Website pentru promovarea neuropsihologiei