Neuropsychology is a broad and exciting field of science which seeks to describe and explain the complex relationship between brain function and human behavior.
This talk will explore our current understanding of some common neuropsychological disorders, and the types of research-informed interventions being used in clinical practice.

About Dr Rogers

Dr Je Rogers has recently joined the Australian Catholic University as a lecturer in the School of Psychology. Dr Rogers has worked clinically across a variety of settings in Western Australia and New South Wales, including child and adult brain injury rehabilitation, and adult and older adult mental health care. Dr Rogers’ teaching and research interests reflect the diversity of these experiences, and include investigations of outcome after brain injury, cognitive rehabilitation in severe mental illness, and service enhancement and promotion initiatives.




Psih. Mădălina Simion

Psiholog clinician; neuropsiholog

S-a specializat in evaluarea complexa psihologica si neuropsihologica a copiilor, adolescentilor si adultilor cu afectiuni medicale (ADHD, anxietate, intarzieri in dezvoltare, tulburari genetice, tumori cerebrale, epilepsie, hidrocefalie, traumatisme cranio-cerebrale, etc) in vederea psihodiagnosticului.

A urmat o formare de 450 de ore teoretice si 500 de ore de practica in neuropsihologie clinica (Máster en Neuropsicología Clínica, Instituto Superior de Estudios Psicológicos (ISEP), acreditat de Consiliul General de Psihologie din Spania pentru specializarea in neuropsihologie clinica, program ce indeplineste ghidurile internationale de instruire ale Conferintei din Huston pentru acreditarea de psiholog expert in neuropsihologie clinica in Spania.

Interese profesionale: mapare corticala intraoperatorie, fMRI, functionare executiva

Website pentru promovarea neuropsihologiei